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How remove/add DOM through binder scope?#

if directive will remove/add HTMLElement that can be accessed via binder scopes.


Setup 'if' attribute with new binder scope property.

<div>Title - Good old title</div>
<div if="showDescription">Show this description</div>
<button e="click:show">show</button>
<button e="click:hide">hide</button>

Just set true/false to binder scope property.

import Creamie from "@creamie/core";
import AppConfig from "./app-config.js";
class App extends Creamie {
constructor() {
let _self = this;{
hide: () => { = false;
show: () => { = true;
window.customElements.define(AppConfig.tag, App);

How to display list of data to DOM?#

loop directive will render Array of objects to the DOM automatically once you assign, add, remove or modify array on binder scope with array property.


Setup loop attribute with new binder scope property and set el attributes with scopes to its child HTMLElement whichever you need in *-component.html

<div>My Items</div>
<div loop="items">
<div el="id"></div>
<div el="name"></div>
<div el="price"></div>
<div el="quantity"></div>
  • Render whole array of objects by just assign the array to binder scope property
  • Add, remove or modify array of object will reflect automatically towards binded DOM. We can use any array methods which modified object.
  • Basically these methods pop, push, reverse, shift, unshift, splice, sort will work out.

Note: Before using array methods on binder scope assign with empty/array of object to initiate functionality.

import Creamie from "@creamie/core";
import AppConfig from "./app-config.js";
class App extends Creamie {
constructor() {
// Rendering whole array = [
id: "43234k23920",
name: "Milk",
price: "1$",
quantity: "1L",
id: "43234k23921",
name: "Almonds",
price: "3$",
quantity: "100g",
id: "43234k23922",
name: "Broccoli",
price: "2$",
quantity: "500g",
// Pushing a single object{
id: "43234k23920",
name: "Milk",
price: "1$",
quantity: "1L",
window.customElements.define(AppConfig.tag, App);